[ARCHIVED] Huttonville United Church

Due to Covid-19
in-sanctuary worship services are suspended
until further notice.

Huttonville United Church 

Huttonville United Church meets for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am. 

Office: 2051 Embleton Road,
Brampton, Ontario, L6Y OE9.

Telephone #: 647 234 6541
Minister: Rev. Margaret MacDonald.
Mission Statement
We are called to be an open and caring Christian Community
who speak and act with a bold faith: 
that heals, loves and equips people for services and life as God intends.
We are a small interactive congregation with visible ministry to our community, celebrating over one hundred and twenty five years of ministry.

We are located in the midst of a rapidly growing sub-division that attracts residents from a diversity of cultures.

We are delighted to welcome you and to listen to your stories, to share our stories and together we walk the faith journey with Jesus Christ.

Hospitality and an abundance of love, peace, joy and hope awaits you. You are invited!

The United Church of Canada is made up of people from the Christian traditions of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational Churches. Everyone who wants to journey in the Christian faith is welcome to become a member of the United Church. We are an inclusive church community who seek to promote justice and peace with our witnessing and teaching of God’s Word.

132nd Anniversary Images


Sunday Worship Service

9:30 A.M.

2051 Embleton Road,
Brampton, ON.

Sunday Worship, Sunday School,
Confirmation Class.
Bulletin for November 1


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