Traditionally each camp has both a Talent Show and a Social Nite. Please feel free to bring items needed for these events.
Canteen services are available to campers. Your child will require canteen money. Snacks are provided for all campers in the afternoons.
Many campers and staff have food allergies, so we ask you NOT to send snacks with your campers.
We also ask that cell phones and electronics be kept at home. We want the campers engaged with God, nature, each other and the staff.
There are so many wonderful activities at camp that the on-line world cannot provide.
We also cannot provide security if phones are broken or go missing.
Health care at camp is provided by a trained First Aider unless a volunteer nurse is available.
Photos: Parents and campers will be asked to sign a waiver giving us permission (or not) to use their photos for promotional purposes.
We also make every effort to accommodate campers with medical problems or disabilities.