About Us
The focus of our faith family is rooted in the parable of the Good Samaritan: “Love God, Love Neighbour, Love Self.” We aim to draw closer to God and live out the call to help our neighbours.
We offer ample curb-side parking around the church, as well as in the Courthouse parking lot adjacent to Paterson Park. Parking is free after 5:30 pm daitly, and all Saturday & Sunday.
Our services are approx. 50-60 minutes long, with a strong musical focus. We normally gather for coffee/tea and fellowship after the service. Children can sit in the pews or at a play/activity centre area during the service.
We have a new minister. Look here for more info soon!
Our Vision
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, First-Wesley will:
Mission Statement
Love, Listen, Laugh and Live!
Love to God and Creation.
Listen to the Holy Spirit, Creation, Others and Nature.
Laugh with Others and the Holy Spirit.
Live the abundant life always grateful to God through Jesus Christ and hereby respectful in all our relations.
Committees & Meetings
Outreach Meetings: second Thursday of the month, 10:30am
UCW Meeting: first Wednesday of the month, 12:30pm
First-Wesley Council Meeting: third Thursday or Tuesday of the month
Pastoral Care: first Thursday of the month, 1:30pm
Worship, Music, Arts: third Thursday of the month, 11:00am
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